
Turn your old analogue Tv into a Dlna Media Server with your Raspberry Pi and XBMC. We have media stored on our Debian linux box, running XBMC mainly, but also Mediatomb, Plex, Boxee, serviio and Ps3, Free Dlna Media Servers.

By installing BubbleUpnp to your Ics or Jelly Bean Android phone or tablet, also available for Mac, you can stream media to the Raspberry Pi as a XBMC media renderer.

All the media server's content will be available via WiFi  or Lan. Sit back and relax on your favourite lazyboy using the Official Xbmc Remote from your Apple or Android device.

BubbleUPnP by Bubblesoft gives you the option to select a XBMC Media Server (Debian Box, Mac or Windooowz) for streaming media, then choose a XBMC rendering Device (Raspberry Pi) to play the content on.

The Official XBMC Remote can be simply a remote, but more so, a media selector. With that said, running more than one XBMC host, media can be selected via multiple hosts.

VLC by Videolan is an extreamly flexible UPnP media player with awesome streaming ability, now by default, selecting "Universal Plug 'n' Play" from the Playlist to select an incoming stream, or by selecting "Media" and subsequently "Streaming" from the menu to set up a new 'http, https, mms, ftp, rtsp, rtp, udp or rtmp' outgoing stream

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